The Board of Directors Executive committee
Rochelle Balkam, Chair & Membership Chairman
222 Wildwood
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Home: 734.668.6294
Email: balkamhp@gmail.com
Jane S. Johnson, Treasurer
4815 Barton Road
Williamston, MI 48895
Cell: 517.899.4898
Email: tjjj@wowway.com
Jill Marcusse, Trustee & Editor of The Slate
1906 Oakcliff Drive N.E.
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Home: 616.822.8954
Marie Charnley, Trustee
3720 Woods Road
Leslie, MI 49251
Cell: 517.614.1883
Email: mariecharnley@gmail.com
Lynda Farquhar, Trustee
4360 Courtside Drive
Williamston, MI 48895
Cell: 517.290.0016
Email: farquha1@msu.edu
Myrna Grove, Trustee
526 Cardinal Drive
Bryan, OH 43506
Phone: 419.636.3550
Email: myrnagraf24@gmail.com
Thomas M. Gwaltney, InactiveTrustee
6154 Eagle Trace Drive
Ypsilanti, MI 48197-6223
Home: 734.483.6821
Email: gwaltneytm@yahoo.com
Judy Shehigian, Inactive Trustee
1234 Cobblestone Lane
Portage, MI 49024
Home: 269.345.7081
Email: judy@shehigian.com
Cheryl Vatcher-Martin, Inactive Trustee
316 Edison Avenue
Belleville, MI 48111
Email: peroinc5@gmail.com
Kathy Brundiqe, Inactive Trustee
Cell: 269.432.9250​
Email: brundiqe917@yahoo.com
Tamara Gady, Inactive Trustee
W3426 Lovegove Road
Moran, MI 49760
Home: 906.569.3339
Winter: 269.948.7367
Cell: 906.298.2248
Email: rogtamgady@gmail.com
Suzanne Daniel, Trustee Emeritus
Claudia Throope, Consultant
725 N Michigan Ave
Hastings, MI 49058-1425
Home: 269.331.6105
Email: cjthroop@itwifi.net
Updated 05/30/2024
Send updates/corrections to balkamhp@gmail.com