Morsa's Facebook Page
Michigan Schoolhouses Facebook Page
Michigan Old Schools Facebook Page
Try to locate the school under the Schoolhouses heading
If that fails to locate your school.....ascertain as best you can the name and the former or current address of the building
Locate as best you can persons or descendants of persons who may have attended school in the building
Ascertain what K-12 school district the building formerly was or currently is located in
Ascertain what Intermediate School District (before 1962 the title was County School District) the building formerly was or currently is located in
Ascertain what county the building currently is located in
Ascertain what township the building currently is located in
Contact the current K-12 School District's Superintendent's Office and ask whether records of the school are located there
Contact the current Intermediate School District Superintendent's Office and ask whether records of the school are located there
Contact County Clerk's Office and ask whether records of the school are located there
Contact Township Supervisor's Office and ask whether records of the school are located there
Contact local or county historical societies
Contact local genealogy groups
There may be information at the State Library in Lansing or the Bentley Historical Library in Ann Arbor