About The Association
The Michigan One-Room Schoolhouse Association was founded in 1993 in Ypsilanti, Michigan. It is the only organization of its kind in the United States.​
Membership: The Association is comprised of more than 100 members statewide. Membership is open to everyone and all members receive our newsletter "The Slate" twice a year. You are invited to learn more about joining us. The Association is governed by an Executive Committee.
Primary Activities: The Association holds an annual conference where people from all over Michigan come to learn how to research and restore one-room school buildings. Many attendees also come to trade their stories and reminiscences of experiences in one-room schools.
In addition, the Association coordinates the ongoing survey and inventory of all existing one-room schools in Michigan. If you have corrections, additional information, or photographs, please send to the individual listed in the Association's mailing address. We also serve as a clearinghouse of communications and information for historians, historical societies, and other programs involved in the preservation, interpretation, and appreciation of one-room schoolhouses.
Suzanne Daniel was in process of compiling a list of the furniture (including the manufacturer) used in one-room schoolhouses. If you have a school desk with the name of the manufacture imprinted on it, please send us a photo and any information you have of the desk.
The Association's mailing address:
Rochelle Balkam, Chair & Membership Chairman
222 Wildwood, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: 734-668-6294
Email: balkamhp@gmail.com